MULLINGER- two big names in the world of photography and all the
creative businesses it links to. Both work/have worked as Photographic
Editor at GQ Magazine, but have a lot going on besides that. Lucy is
currently the Director of Lucy Watson Productions LTD that specializes
in still and moving photo shoots, ranging from fashion editorials to
music videos to product shots. Her daily job can involve collaborating
between some of the world's best photographers (i.e. Mark Seliger) and
your favourite celebrities, be it Beyonce or Boris Johnson.
As Photographic Editor for GQ, one is always busy with juggling
multiple photo shoots at once and sourcing images for the magazine.
James's work also involves writing and stand-up comedy, including shows
alongside Jimmy Carr and on Comedy Central. The talk will focus on
photography, and will give you an inside view of all things relating to
this creative industry. Lucy and James will also be bringing some of
their video and photo-material, so do come along to witness this
interactive talk.
WHEN: Wednesday, 22nd of May, 20:00
WHERE: The Queen's College, Oxford
Admission £2 for non-members, membership is £10.
Everyone is welcome, looking forward to seeing you there.
Once labelled as
'Britain's most connected man' by The Observer, Geordie Greig will be
coming to speak to us on his work, which ranges from publication such as
the Tatler to his current position at The Mail on Sunday. He was at the
helm of what has been called 'the most remarkable come-back in
journalism'; the revitalisation of the London Evening Standard. Besides
his editorial duties, Geordie has published two books ('The Kingmaker'
and 'Breakfast with Lucian') and is a St. Peter's alumnus.
Pop down to Wadham College next Wednesday (the 15th of May) for his talk and Q&A session.
Admission £2 for non-members, membership is £10.
Everyone is welcome, looking forward to seeing you there.
Mixing feminism and
gaming, food and comedy, Helen Lewis is an all-rounded writer, blogger
and editor. She started at the Daily Mail, and has worked for top
publications including Sunday Times, Guardian, Elle and Economia. Don't
miss out on what promises to be one of our wittiest talks, and come on
down on Thursday, the 9th of May at 20:00 to the Queen's College.
Admission £2 for non-members, membership is £10.
Everyone is welcome, looking forward to seeing you there.
Please note timing and location are subject to change.
NOTICE: Sadly Helen could not make it this term, but we look forward to welcoming her next term.