
Thursday, 2 October 2008

Four media award nominations for Oxford

Oxford is well represented in this year's Guardian Student Media Awards. Congratulations to the following for making the shortlist:

  • Oxymoron - Magazine of the Year
  • Hannah Kuchler (OxStu) - Reporter of the Year
  • Cherwell - Publication Design of the Year and Website of the Year
And how that figures in comparison to other universities:
  • York - 10 nominations in 7 categories
  • Edinburgh - 8 nominations in 7 categories
  • Oxford - 4 nominations in 4 categories
  • Imperial - 4 nominations in 4 categories
  • Arts London - 4 for the LCC in 2 categories + 1 for the Uni as a whole
  • Leeds - 4 in 2 categories
  • LSE - 4 in 2 categories

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done! Skeptical about The Cherwell's chances in the design category - there's only so much you can do with a newspaper - but website could go well. As for Hannah Kuchler, I can't honestly remember any of her articles and the crap Oxstu site (last updated 1866) doesn't help. And the Oxymoron is genius and must win.